Diffrence Between Seo And Smo

SEO is Search engine Optimisation, meant for increasing the search engine rankings for keywords of a particular website.
When you create a web site you have the opportunity to program the basics and embed into your HTML, meta tags and content, code which will organically set the stage for SEO. Once accomplished and your web site has been properly submitted, indexed and crawled by a search engine you will be given or not, a ranking. When someone performs a search using a search engine depending on how your site was ranked will depend on how the SERP's displays. OK what is SERP's, Search Engine Results Page. This is the page that you see after entering you search submission. It will contain every website in order of its page rank. This order will change based on the on the algorithms used to create the index of websites. This process will automatically happen.
SMO i.e Social Media Optimisation is meant for brand awareness of your business. Implementing an SMO campaign involves becoming a part of a website that falls into the Social Media category and utilizing strategies that point back to your main website. This is often called back linking. In the case of Facebook, the number one social media website, many companies have created pages that promote brands, goods and services. Some use FB as their main website and do not have a proper domain/hosting account. Bottom line if you have a proper website and do not implement SMO, nothing happens. People that do use Social Media Websites can make postings and post links to your website which can effect your SEO, nonetheless you still have done nothing, someone did it for you. 

Popular Social Media Sites:

Google+ Circles
All the above are social sites that can have an impact on your websites traffic.

Currently, SMO is a great tool to promote a website. I own a dot com which contains my business name. Dot coms used to rank number one due to the priority. I have seen Social Media Websites out-perform in priority a Dot Com using the same name.

If you do not implement SMO into your SEO campaign, you are missing out on traffic to your website.

It does not matter if your main website is Amazon or Ebay, a dot com or dot org, facebook or twitter, SMO is following processes and procedures to point to your main site to increase visibility to your product, brand, goods, services or information base that exists on the web or directly to a physical place in the world, using Social Media Websites.


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