‘O’ Level Course Free for OBC Candidate in NCA Institute of Technologies

‘O’ level course of DOEACC Scheme is equivalent to a Foundation Level Course in Computer Applications. Students can acquire this qualification by undergoing this course and passing the examination conducted by the DOEACC Society. Working professionals, Graduate and 10+2 candidate can also do this course. Objective: The Objective of the course and scheme is to develop the IT knowledge and skills of OBC Candidate and prepare candidates for DOEACC examination by imparting required knowledge and skill. Recognition: Recognition has been given by the Government of India to DOEACC ‘O’ level examination conducted by the DOEACC Society as equivalent to Foundation Course in IT for the purpose of employment to the posts and services under Central Government. Welcome To NCA Institute of Technology (NIELIT-Center). NCA Institute of Technologies NIELIT/Former DOECC (National Institute of Electronics & Information Technology) is an autonomous body of the Departm...